About Us

About EQ4C

We started our online journey in February of 2013.

EQ4C.COM is a relatively new and growing web-based service. We are a global team of writers and trainers with years of experience educating thousands of people on life skills. With our experience in face-to-face and distance learning, we are confident that we can write about the essential life skills needed to improve people’s lives professionally and personally. Team EQ4C is dedicated to conducting research and writing our content.

EQ4C has a wide and ever-growing international audience.

We are delighted to see our content included in journals, books, teaching materials, websites, blog posts, student assignments, and blogs worldwide.

Our Aspirations

  • To extend a free service open to all.
  • Create and distribute high-quality, thoroughly researched, easy-to-read information about important life skills.
  • To keep up-to-date on current corporate happenings, trends, and research and reflect the latest developments in our content.
  • To build links with education providers and other bodies that are relevant.

eq4c.com currently relies on revenues from the sale of eBooks, workshops, and donations to pay high costs and allow us to continue to improve our offerings.

We hope that you’ve discovered something useful on eq4c.com. If you have, make sure to link to it on your website or blog or inform your colleagues, friends, students, teachers, and relatives.

We would love to hear your feedback, and please use our contact form to write your views and opinions.

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