Interpersonal Skills

How to Use LinkedIn Effectively? Tips, Benefits, Do’s and Don’ts

LinkedIn is a social networking platform designed specifically for professionals and the question is how to use LinkedIn effectively.

Are you using LinkedIn or not?

Make sure you don’t overlook the most highly sought-after professional platform.

In the this article, we will delve into every aspect of how to gain the greatest advantage from LinkedIn.


LinkedIn was founded in 2002 and launched in 2003. It was co-founded by Reid Hoffman, who was COO at PayPal at the time. The platform was initially focused on helping professionals network with each other and find new job opportunities.

Since its launch, LinkedIn has grown rapidly and has become one of the most widely used social networking sites for professionals.

What is LinkedIn – A Statistical Overview

Membership and Listings

  • Members – 900 Million: LinkedIn has over 900 million members in more than 200 countries, making it the largest professional networking platform in the world. These members represent a diverse range of industries, backgrounds, and geographic locations.
  • Offices – 36 Globally: LinkedIn has 36 offices worldwide, located in major cities such as New York, London, Sydney, and Tokyo. These offices serve as hubs for LinkedIn’s operations, including sales, marketing, and engineering.
  • Languages – 26: LinkedIn is available in 26 languages, including English, Spanish, French, Chinese, and Arabic. This makes it accessible to a wide range of users from different parts of the world.
  • Employees – 21,000: LinkedIn has over 21,000 employees worldwide, working in a variety of roles including engineering, product management, sales, and marketing. These employees are dedicated to building and maintaining the platform, as well as providing support to members and companies.
  • Companies listed – 58.4 Million: There are over 58.4 million companies listed on LinkedIn, ranging from small startups to large multinational corporations. These companies use LinkedIn to build their brand, recruit top talent, and engage with customers.
  • Schools listed – 129,000: LinkedIn has over 129,000 schools listed on its platform, including universities, colleges, and vocational schools. These schools use LinkedIn to connect with alumni, promote their programs, and attract new students.
  • Skills listed – 39,000: There are over 39,000 skills listed on LinkedIn, ranging from technical skills like coding and data analysis to soft skills like leadership and communication. These skills are added to member profiles and used by recruiters and hiring managers to find candidates with the right qualifications.

How to Use LinkedIn Effectively? Tips, Benefits, Dos and Donts

image source: LinkedIn Pressroom

Skills and Hiring

  • 90 Job applications are submitted every second: LinkedIn is a popular platform for job seekers, with over 90 job applications submitted every second. This represents a huge opportunity for companies looking to hire top talent.
  • 44% of hirers on LinkedIn explicitly use skills data to fill their roles: Hiring managers and recruiters on LinkedIn use skills data to identify candidates with the right qualifications for their roles. This highlights the importance of adding relevant skills to your LinkedIn profile.
  • 365 Million skills added to their profiles by applicant members in last 12 Months: LinkedIn members are constantly adding new skills to their profiles, with over 365 million skills added in the past 12 months alone. This demonstrates the importance of keeping your profile up-to-date with the latest skills and qualifications.
  • 49 Million people are using LinkedIn to search for jobs each week: LinkedIn is a go-to platform for job seekers, with over 49 million people using it to search for jobs each week. This represents a huge pool of potential candidates for companies looking to hire.
  • 8 people are hired every minute on LinkedIn: LinkedIn is a powerful platform for finding and hiring top talent, with 8 people hired every minute on the platform. This highlights the importance of building a strong employer brand and leveraging LinkedIn’s tools and resources for recruitment.

LinkedIn is a massive platform with a huge user base and a wealth of resources for job seekers and companies alike. To make most out of this professional platform we have to use LinkedIn effectively and achieve our professional goals.

LinkedIn offers a range of features and tools that can help professionals connect with others in their field, showcase their skills and experience, and find new job opportunities.

To use LinkedIn effectively, keep reading to find out more.

Types of LinkedIn Accounts

LinkedIn offers three types of accounts:


1. Basic/Free Account

This is the most basic account type available on LinkedIn. It is free to use and allows users to create a profile, connect with other professionals, and search for job opportunities. However, there are limitations to what you can do with a basic account. For example, you can only see a limited number of profiles in search results, and you cannot message people outside of your immediate network.

2. Premium Account

LinkedIn offers several different types of premium accounts, each with its own set of features and benefits. These accounts typically come with a monthly fee, but they offer a range of additional features that can be helpful for professionals.

Some of the features available with premium accounts include:

  • Increased profile visibility
  • InMail messages to contact people outside of your network
  • Advanced search filters to find specific job opportunities or candidates
  • Access to online courses and other learning resources

3. Sales Navigator Account

This is a premium account designed specifically for sales professionals. It includes all of the features available in a premium account, as well as additional tools and features to help sales professionals find new leads and manage their sales pipeline.

11 Tips to Use LinkedIn Effectively

To get the most out of LinkedIn, it’s important to use LinkedIn effectively. Here are some tips to help you make the most of LinkedIn:

11 Tips to Use LinkedIn Effectively



1. Make Sure to Complete Your Profile

Your LinkedIn profile is like an online resume. It should include information about your professional experience, education, skills, and accomplishments. Be sure to upload a professional photo and write a compelling headline that highlights your skills and expertise.

2. Connect with Others

LinkedIn is all about networking. Be sure to connect with other professionals in your field, as well as people you have worked with in the past. When you send a connection request, be sure to personalize it and explain why you want to connect.

3. Join Groups

LinkedIn groups are a great way to connect with other professionals in your field and engage in discussions. Join groups that are relevant to your industry and participate in discussions to build your network and establish your expertise.

4. Share Quality Content

Sharing content on LinkedIn can help you establish your expertise and build your network. Share articles, blog posts, and other content that is relevant to your field, and be sure to add your own commentary to spark discussion.

5. Engage with Others

Engagement is key on LinkedIn. Like, comment, and share other people’s posts to build your network and establish relationships with other professionals in your field.

6. Be Consistent

To use LinkedIn effectively, it’s important to be consistent with your activity. Set aside time each week to update your profile, connect with others, and engage in discussions. Consistency is key when it comes to building your network and establishing your expertise on LinkedIn.

7. Consider a Premium Account

If you’re serious about using LinkedIn to advance your career, consider investing in a premium account. The additional features and tools can be well worth the investment, particularly if you’re actively job searching or looking to expand your network.

8. Stay Professional

LinkedIn is a professional networking site. Keep your profile and interactions professional and avoid controversial or inappropriate content. You never know who may be viewing your profile or reading your posts, so it’s important to present yourself in the best possible light.

9. Establish your Credibility and Expertise

Recommendations and endorsements are important features on LinkedIn that can help you establish your credibility and expertise.

Here are some tips on how to use them effectively:


LinkedIn Recommendations

Recommendations are written testimonials from others who have worked with you or know you professionally. They can be a powerful way to showcase your skills and accomplishments and demonstrate your value to potential employers.

Here’s how to use recommendations effectively:

  • Ask for Recommendations: Reach out to people you have worked with in the past and ask them to write you a recommendation. Be sure to personalize your request and explain why you think they would be a good fit to write a recommendation for you.
  • Provide Guidance: When you ask for a recommendation, provide your contact with some guidance on what you’d like them to focus on. This can be especially helpful if you’re seeking a recommendation for a specific job or skill.
  • Return the Favor: Offer to write a recommendation for others in your network. This can help build relationships and establish your expertise within your industry.
  • Highlight Your Recommendations: Make sure your recommendations are prominently displayed on your profile. This can help potential employers or clients see the value you can bring to their organization.


LinkedIn Endorsements

Endorsements are a way for your connections to validate your skills and expertise. They are a quick and easy way to showcase your strengths and can help you stand out to potential employers.

Here’s how to use endorsements effectively:

  • Add Relevant Skills: Be sure to add relevant skills to your profile so that others can endorse you for them. This can help showcase your expertise and make it easier for others to validate your skills.
  • Endorse Others: Endorsing others in your network can help build relationships and establish your expertise within your industry. Be sure to endorse others for skills that you have personally witnessed them demonstrating.
  • Be Selective: Don’t endorse everyone in your network for every skill. Instead, be selective and focus on endorsing people for skills that you have personally witnessed them demonstrating.
  • Monitor Your Endorsements: Keep an eye on the endorsements you receive and make sure they are accurate and relevant. If you receive endorsements for skills you don’t have or don’t want to showcase, you can choose to hide them from your profile.

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10. Finding New Hires

If you’re an employer looking to fill open positions, here’s how to use LinkedIn effectively:

  • Post Job Listings: LinkedIn has a job posting feature that can be a great way to reach potential candidates. Be sure to include detailed job descriptions and requirements to attract the right candidates.
  • Search for Candidates: Use LinkedIn’s search features to find potential candidates who have the skills and experience you’re looking for. You can search by job title, industry, location, and more.
  • Join Groups: LinkedIn Groups can be a great way to connect with potential candidates who are interested in your industry or field. Join groups related to your industry and participate in discussions to build relationships with potential candidates.
  • Use Referrals: Employee referrals can be a powerful way to find new hires. Encourage your employees to share job listings with their networks and offer incentives for successful referrals.
  • Consider LinkedIn Recruiting Solutions: LinkedIn offers a variety of recruiting solutions that can help you find and connect with potential candidates. These solutions include job postings, candidate searches, and recruitment advertising.

11. Finding New Opportunities – Jobs, Contracts & Professional assignments

If you’re a job seeker looking for new opportunities, here’s how to use LinkedIn effectively:

  • Optimize Your Profile: Make sure your LinkedIn profile is complete and up-to-date. This includes a professional headshot, a compelling summary, and detailed information about your skills and experience.
  • Search for Jobs: Use LinkedIn’s job search feature to find job openings that match your skills and experience. You can search by job title, industry, location, and more.
  • Connect with Recruiters: Reach out to recruiters who specialize in your field or industry. You can search for recruiters on LinkedIn and send them a personalized message introducing yourself and expressing your interest in their services.
  • Be Proactive: Don’t wait for opportunities to come to you. Reach out to companies you’re interested in working for and express your interest in their organization. You can also use LinkedIn to network with others in your industry and build relationships that may lead to future job opportunities.

Benefits of LinkedIn for Organizations

  • Brand Building: LinkedIn is a great platform to build your organization’s brand and establish your expertise in your industry or field.
  • Lead Generation: LinkedIn can be a powerful tool for generating leads and attracting potential customers or clients. You can use LinkedIn to showcase your products or services, share industry news and insights, and connect with potential customers or clients.
  • Talent Acquisition: LinkedIn is also a great platform for finding and attracting top talent. You can use LinkedIn to post job listings, search for potential candidates, and engage with job seekers who are interested in your organization.
  • Networking: LinkedIn is a powerful networking tool that can help you connect with other professionals and organizations in your industry or field. You can use LinkedIn to join industry groups, participate in discussions, and build relationships with others in your field.

Boosting Your Organization’s Profile

Some valuable tips on how to boost your organization’s profile on LinkedIn:

  • Complete Your Profile: Make sure your organization’s LinkedIn profile is complete and up-to-date. This includes a professional logo, a compelling summary, and detailed information about your products or services.
  • Share Content: Share relevant content on LinkedIn that will be of interest to your target audience. This can include industry news, insights, and thought leadership pieces.
  • Engage with Others: Engage with other organizations and professionals on LinkedIn by commenting on their posts, sharing their content, and participating in discussions.
  • Post Job Listings: Use LinkedIn’s job posting feature to post job listings for your organization. This can help attract top talent who are interested in your organization.
  • Use LinkedIn Ads: LinkedIn offers a variety of advertising options that can help you reach your target audience and generate leads. These options include sponsored content, sponsored InMail, and display ads.

Which types of content is most engaging on LinkedIn?

LinkedIn is a powerful platform for content marketing and networking, and there are several types of content that can be engaging and effective in reaching your target audience. Here are some types of content that tend to perform well on LinkedIn:

1. Thought Leadership Articles

Thought leadership articles are long-form content that provide unique insights, perspectives, and solutions to industry-specific issues. These articles position you as an expert in your field and can be great for building credibility and authority.

2. Infographics

Infographics are visually appealing and highly shareable content that can help you present complex information in an easily digestible format. Infographics are great for showcasing data and statistics, and can be used to summarize key points in a longer piece of content.

3. Videos

Video content is highly engaging and can help you tell a story or showcase your products or services. Videos can be used to create how-to guides, product demos, or company culture videos that showcase your organization’s values and personality.

4. Industry News and Trends

Sharing industry news and trends on LinkedIn can help you establish yourself as a thought leader and keep your audience informed about the latest developments in your industry. This type of content is great for sparking discussion and engagement, as well as establishing your organization’s expertise.

5. Case Studies

Case studies are highly effective at demonstrating how your products or services have helped solve real-world problems for your clients or customers. They provide tangible examples of the benefits and value that your organization provides, and can be great for building trust and credibility.

6. Listicles

Listicles are highly shareable content that provide information in a list format. They are great for summarizing information, presenting data in an easily digestible format, and providing quick tips and advice.

By creating and sharing engaging content on LinkedIn, you can establish your organization’s brand, build credibility, and connect with your target audience in a meaningful way.

Observe Professional Etiquette on LinkedIn

it is important to observe professional etiquette on LinkedIn as it is a professional networking platform. Maintaining professional etiquette can help you establish credibility, build relationships, and advance your career. Here are some tips on how to achieve professional etiquette on LinkedIn:


  • Use a Professional Profile Picture: Your profile picture should be professional and appropriate for a professional networking platform. It is best to use a headshot where you are dressed professionally and looking directly at the camera.
  • Write a Compelling Headline and Summary: Your headline and summary should be concise and clearly communicate your professional background and areas of expertise.
  • Customize Connection Requests: When sending connection requests, personalize them with a message that explains why you would like to connect with the person and how you can potentially help each other professionally.
  • Engage with Others Professionally: Engage with other LinkedIn users professionally by commenting on their posts, sharing their content, and participating in discussions. Avoid any comments or messages that may be seen as inappropriate or unprofessional.
  • Use Correct Spelling and Grammar: Always check your posts, messages, and comments for correct spelling and grammar. This shows attention to detail and a commitment to professionalism.
  • Respect Privacy: Respect the privacy of others on LinkedIn. Avoid sharing personal information without their consent and do not use their contact information for unsolicited sales pitches.


  • Overshare Personal Information: LinkedIn is a professional networking platform, so it is important to avoid oversharing personal information that is not relevant to your professional background or interests.
  • Post Inappropriate Content: Avoid posting any content that is controversial, offensive, or inappropriate for a professional networking platform.
  • Spam Connections: Avoid sending spam messages or connection requests to other LinkedIn users. This can be seen as intrusive and unprofessional.
  • Be Too Pushy: Avoid being too pushy in your messaging or sales pitches. Instead, focus on building relationships and establishing credibility.
  • Engage in Negative Interactions: Avoid engaging in negative interactions with other LinkedIn users, even if you disagree with their views or opinions. Always maintain a professional and respectful tone.

Conclusion – Take Action

If you are you looking to take your career or your organization to the next level?

Look no further than LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional networking platform.

As an individual,

LinkedIn can help you connect with other professionals in your field, showcase your skills and experience, and find new job opportunities. With over 900 million members and 49 million people using the platform to search for jobs each week, LinkedIn is a powerful tool for advancing your career.

But it’s not just job seekers who can benefit from LinkedIn.

Organizations can also use the platform to build their brand, recruit top talent, and engage with customers. With over 58 million companies listed on LinkedIn and 8 people hired every minute on the platform, it’s clear that LinkedIn is a go-to resource for companies looking to grow and succeed.

So why not start unleashing the power of LinkedIn today?

As a job aspirant, create a strong profile that highlights your skills and experience, connect with others in your field, and start exploring new job opportunities.

And as an organization, build a strong employer brand, showcase your company culture and values, and leverage LinkedIn’s tools and resources for recruitment and engagement.

With LinkedIn, the possibilities are endless.

So why wait?

Start connecting, growing, and succeeding on the world’s largest professional networking platform today.


Marty Hoffman

Marty Hoffman, MBA, PhD Management Consultant for Fortune 500 and Corporate Strategist đź“Ť San Francisco, CA More »

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